Xbox Game Pass has already confirmed these attractive day 1 releases for June

A horror game and a simulator are on their way to service

Xbox Game Pass has already confirmed these attractive day 1 releases for June

A horror game and a simulator are on their way to service

Microsoft has not yet revealed the games that Xbox Game Pass will receive in the second half of May; however, we already know some of the games that will arrive to the service in June. For now, 2 day 1 releases have been confirmed: an engaging horror game and an adorable simulator that promises many hours of fun.

Which games are coming to Xbox Game Pass in June?

More Day 1 releases are on their way to Xbox Game Pass
More Day 1 releases are on their way to Xbox Game Pass

The first June title confirmed for Xbox Game Pass is ideal for horror and narrative game lovers. It's Still Wakes the Deep, the new from The Chinese Room and Secret Mode that will debut on June 18.

The title puts you in the shoes of an oil rig worker. You'll be in danger, since all communications have been lost and there is no way to get out of the place. You will have to search for the missing crew while facing an unknown horror that is on board.

The other game confirmed for the service is Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends, a simulator from Catch & Release and Humble Games that will debut next June 4. It is a game that will let you fulfill your dream of becoming a sushi chef.

You will arrive in Rolling Hills to manage a Japanese food place together with a peculiar robot that will help you in multiple tasks. You'll have to create recipes, buy ingredients, delight your customers with delicious food and complete more tasks to be a success.

As we told you, both titles are day 1 releases for Xbox Game Pass. For now, no more games have been confirmed for July. Below you can see trailers of the mentioned titles:


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