A card that streams PC games to Nintendo Switch unveiled at Tokyo Game Show

Yeap, it’s real

A card that streams PC games to Nintendo Switch unveiled at Tokyo Game Show

Yeap, it’s real

Tokyo Game Show 2022 was held this past weekend and besides the different game announcements, we also got to see many hardware news. According to the Japanese news portal 4gamer the Achiei Denki booth featured a mysterious Wi-Fi module that allows you to play PC games on the Nintendo Switch.

The product spotted as we said before, would allow the hybrid console to stream PC games by just inserting the Stream Card into the game card slot on the top of the Switch. It was explained that it is not just a Wi-Fi module, but an SoC (System-on-a-Chip).

Does it work?

Yes, it works! The reporter claimed that he was able to actually play the PC version of Stray the recently released indie adventure game starred by a cat. Now, the connexion is not perfect since there was a PC and a display right next to the Switch, where he noted that there was a little delay between the electronics.

On the other hand, the module creator mentioned that even though many people from many manufacturers approached him and showed interest and a good reaction towards the Stream Card, a commercial partner has not been found to start production.

We love the idea nonetheless it still needs a good amount to support. In case you are curious, we will leave a video of Stray running on the console with the help of this Stream Card below:

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