Steam reached 10 million concurrent in-game players for the first time ever

A gigantic feat!!!

Steam reached 10 million concurrent in-game players for the first time ever

A gigantic feat!!!

Are you an avid PC gamer? Maybe just maybe you contributed this weekend to reach an incredible and enormous feat. For the first time in all its history, Steam reached more than 10 million, concurrent in-game players.

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The news was reported by the @SteamDB Twitter account which in case you are not aware is a bot account that tracks everything related to Valve and Steam. This milestone was reached past Saturday, January 7, and besides hitting 10,082,055 in-game concurrent players the platform also reached 32 million concurrently online users.

What is the difference between them?

You must be wondering if one of them is more important than the other one, well, let's say that both are great milestones however there is a little difference between them.

For starters, the concurrent users’ stat is the one that counts how many people is signed into Steam, it also includes users who are signed into Steam but aren’t playing anything and are just running the program in the background.

On the other hand, the concurrent in-game players’ stat, counts how many people are actively playing any games simultaneously.

In case you missed it: Most played Steam games of 2022 and more stats revealed by Valve

So, were you part of the 10 million players this weekend? As always we love to read your opinions in the comment section below and remember to follow us on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram for more updates.


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