A dataminer discovered a reference to Left 4 Dead 3 was found in Counter-Strike 2

Will the beloved zombie franchise return?

A dataminer discovered a reference to Left 4 Dead 3 was found in Counter-Strike 2

Will the beloved zombie franchise return?

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With simple but well-thought-out gameplay, Left 4 Dead managed to become one of the most popular zombie franchises of recent times. The community is eager for a third installment. Will it ever come? While it's hard to tell, a new clue gave fans hope.

In case you don't know, Valve announced this week Counter-Strike 2, a new title to be released as a free update for CS:GO that will arrive in summer and aims to improve and expand the famous competitive FPS. While we are still far from its official release, some lucky ones already had the chance to play it thanks to a closed Beta.

As expected, a sector of the community set to work to dig into the game's archives and discover its secrets. Surprisingly, one of the findings caused excitement and gave hope to the fans of the zombie saga.

As reported by GameRant, an alleged dataminer found references to Left 4 Dead 3 in the files and codes of Counter-Strike 2, and shared his findings in a post on Reddit. Of course, it's difficult to know for sure the veracity of this information.

Yet, the alleged reference to the co-op title got fans excited. At the end of the day, we should remember that the first rumors suggesting the existence of Counter-Strike 2 arose from leaks from dataminers who found mentions of the title in CS:GO and Nvidia archives. Thus, they believe that history will repeat itself.

However, it is important to note that, beyond this alleged leak, there are no indications to suggest that Valve is working on the third installment of Left 4 Dead. Thus, we recommend taking this information with a grain of salt and tempering expectations to avoid disappointment.

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In the meantime, players should remain on standby to find out if they will have the opportunity to participate in the Counter-Strike 2 Beta. Of course, you should be very cautious, as some malicious people have already tried to scam users.

Do you think a new L4D installment will be announced sometime this year? Let us know in the comments!



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