¡¡¡SALVE CIUDADANOS !!! https://store.steampowered.com/app/334210/Fortified/ Asi es , el shooter en teRcera persona y tower defence de ciencia ficcion de estetica 50's del siglo XX y homenaje a los comics pulp y al a ciencia ficcion de las pelculas de clase B de la epoca Gratis por 48 hrs por Steam , no es modo de prueba como los fin de semanas gratis si no gratis de verdad y permanente una vez agregado a la cuenta .
Igual les avisaran las noticias pero yo les avise primero por aqui.
Fortified on Steam
Fortified is an explosive strategy shooter where players will defend the Earth against a menacing Martian invasion in the 1950s. Play as one-of-four pulp inspired heroes as they fight swarms of terrifying robots with an arsenal of Cold War era weapon
Fortified on Steam
Fortified is an explosive strategy shooter where players will defend the Earth against a menacing Martian invasion in the 1950s. Play as one-of-four pulp inspired heroes as they fight swarms of terrifying robots with an arsenal of Cold War era weapon